The Melbourne Wholesale Market has been quite flat since mid-last week.
Perhaps due to a range of shortages across the produce offerings.
- However, the slow demand has done nothing to reduce prices with broccoli, asparagus, caulis, zucchini and silver beet all holding or seeing a slight increase on last week's prices.
- Pumpkin and watermelon have seen lower prices but rock melon, honey dew and large pineapples have been in short supply.
- On a positive note, we are seeing some beautiful new season apples, Williams and Corella pears, brown and gold nashi and grapes.
- It seems every year we get more and more grape varieties and the pick of the bunch (pun intended) this week are the Autumn Crisp Grapes. Autumn Crisp have an excellent sweet flavour, are seedless and have beautiful fresh green stems. Black sapphire (finger grapes) are also excellent and good value so enjoy them while you can. If you have a really sweet tooth, you could even try the Cotton Candy grapes, with their overtones of fairy floss flavour they will have you feeling like a kid again.
- Plums are also in peak season and the Queen Garnets continue to offer great value.
- Peaches and nectarines are still good, but you should make sure you enjoy them before the season starts to wind up towards the end of march.
- If you are looking for inspiration checkout some of the awesome recipes on our website.
- Remember, we are what we eat so eat well!
Cheers, Dean