Welcome to this weeks Market Report -
- This week we have in store the first lot of Aussie stonefruit, white and yellow peaches from Queensland. We will see supply steadily increase and prices will come back fairly quickly. A bumper stone fruit season is being predicted but that could be a double-edged sword for cherry growers. Last year many cherry growers didn’t harvest at al ldue to the wet spring, a big harvest this year may see the market price fall below the cost of production. Hopefully the market finds a happy medium that delivers value for buyers and a decent return for growers.
- Navel oranges, Murcot and late imperial mandarins, tangelos and blood oranges are still good but the end of the Australian winter citrus season is not far away so make the most of these lines while you can.
- New season Australian grapes are coming in but the price is high and eating quality is not great yet.
- Queensland strawberries have been very cheap and the low price has seen some growers pull out of the Victorian market, preferring instead to serve the Sydney and Brisbane market only where their freight costs are lower. I expect to see strawberry price increase a little as the QLD season ends. Again if this good weather holds, Victorian growers are likely to start picking early so we should see very few issues with supply coming into Christmas. Blueberries remain abundant and raspberries are a little short but not ridiculously expensive.
- Mango supply is steadily increasing with good supply of R2E2 and KP mangoes now coming into market and flavour and quality is excellent.
- Zucchinis, beans, broad beans, tomatoes, cauliflower, lettuce, broccoli and leafy greens are all in good supply and market price is offering buyers great value across all lines. This trend will most likely continue if the weather remains steady.
Remember to check the bottom of the online shop page for the weekly Market Specials & Watt’s New in Season too